Ad van de Pol


Player Information
Name Ad van de Pol
Born on
Died on
Nationality Netherlands
Role Soccer Player (Keeper)
Club A.F.C. Ajax
Last Known Club DWS
Often played with Gé van Dijk - Jan Potharst - Guus Dräger - Joop Stoffelen - Cor van der Hoeven - Rinus Michels - Cor van der Hart - Ger Beumer - Jan Los - Gerard Bruins
Seasons matches and goals per competition
Season Comp. Comp. Play Off Dutch Cup Europa Other Off. Off. Mat. Friendly Total
Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals
1949-50 16 8 24 7 31
1950-51 5 5 2 7
1951-52 2 2
Total 21 8 29 11 40


Previous Club Next Club Type Announced Start Duration End Amount Remark
RCA Ajax Transfer 7/1/1949
Ajax Zeeburgia Transfer
Zeeburgia DWS Transfer



Season (Soccer Player)
Season Contract Type Team Contract From Contract To Loan Out From Loan Out To Remark
1949-50 Unknown A
1950-51 Unknown A
1951-52 Unknown Unknown

Match details

Match Details per Period
Minute Goals Assists Yellow Red Substitute Out Substitute In
Unknown 2
Totaal 2


All matches

Match Details
Season Date Competition Match Active Remark Min Goals Yellow Red 2nd Yellow
1949-50 8/28/1949 AROL Cup Ajax - HBS 3 - 1 (1 - 0) Start 90
1949-50 9/4/1949 AROL Cup Ajax - West Frisia 5 - 2 Start (Not confirmed) 90
1949-50 9/4/1949 AROL Cup Ajax - KFC 3 - 3
(penalties: 3 - 2)
Start 90
1949-50 10/2/1949 First Division West II Ajax - 't Gooi 3 - 0 (2 - 0) Start 90
1949-50 10/9/1949 First Division West II EDO - Ajax 1 - 2 (1 - 2) Start 90
1949-50 10/16/1949 First Division West II Ajax - Xerxes 2 - 1 (1 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 10/23/1949 First Division West II DWS - Ajax 2 - 4 (2 - 3) Start 90
1949-50 10/30/1949 First Division West II Ajax - HBS 2 - 1 (2 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 11/12/1949 First Division West II De Volewijckers - Ajax 0 - 1 (0 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 11/27/1949 First Division West II Ajax - SVV 4 - 1 (1 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 12/18/1949 First Division West II Ajax - Neptunus 2 - 2 (2 - 0) Start 90
1949-50 12/26/1949 First Division West II SVV - Ajax 0 - 3 (0 - 2) Start 90
1949-50 1/8/1950 First Division West II 't Gooi - Ajax 1 - 0 (1 - 0) Start 90
1949-50 1/15/1950 First Division West II Ajax - EDO 3 - 0 (0 - 0) Start 90
1949-50 2/12/1950 First Division West II RC Heemstede - Ajax 2 - 4 (1 - 2) Start 90
1949-50 2/19/1950 First Division West II Ajax - DWS 1 - 0 (0 - 0) Start 90
1949-50 2/26/1950 First Division West II Xerxes - Ajax 0 - 2 (0 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 3/5/1950 Friendly Feijenoord - Ajax 2 - 2 (1 - 2) Start (Not confirmed) 90
1949-50 3/12/1950 First Division West II HBS - Ajax 2 - 4 (1 - 2) Start 90
1949-50 3/19/1950 Friendly Ajax - Feijenoord 1 - 4 (1 - 2) Start 90
1949-50 3/26/1950 First Division West II Ajax - De Volewijckers 2 - 4 (1 - 4) Start 90
1949-50 4/2/1950 Champions Competition Ajax - VV Heerenveen 2 - 1 (0 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 4/9/1950 Easter Tournament Ajax Ajax - SK Frigg 8 - 0 (4 - 0) Start (Not confirmed) 90
1949-50 4/10/1950 Easter Tournament Ajax Ajax - Lancashire 5 - 2 (1 - 2) Start 90
1949-50 4/23/1950 Champions Competition Enschedese Boys - Ajax 0 - 2 (0 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 4/30/1950 Champions Competition Ajax - Blauw-Wit 0 - 1 (0 - 1) Start 69
1949-50 5/21/1950 Champions Competition Ajax - Maurits 1 - 2 (0 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 5/24/1950 Champions Competition Blauw-Wit - Ajax 3 - 2 (3 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 6/3/1950 Champions Competition Ajax - Enschedese Boys 2 - 0 (1 - 0) Start 90
1949-50 6/17/1950 Champions Competition Maurits - Ajax 0 - 5 (0 - 1) Start 90
1949-50 6/24/1950 Champions Competition Ajax - SV Limburgia 0 - 6 (0 - 2) Start 90
1950-51 8/27/1950 AROL Cup Ajax - HFC 5 - 0 Start (Not confirmed) 90
1950-51 9/3/1950 AROL Cup Ajax - VVA 1 - 5 (0 - 3) Start 90
1950-51 9/10/1950 First Division B Ajax - AGOVV 3 - 0 (3 - 0) Start 90
1950-51 9/17/1950 First Division B Wageningen - Ajax 1 - 1 (0 - 1) Start 90
1950-51 9/24/1950 First Division B Ajax - Hengelo 2 - 1 (0 - 1) Start 90
1950-51 10/8/1950 First Division B Ajax - Enschedese Boys 0 - 4 (0 - 1) Start 69
1950-51 11/19/1950 First Division B Ajax - DOS 0 - 5 (0 - 2) Start 90
1951-52 8/19/1951 AROL Cup Ajax - AFC 3 - 0 (2 - 0) Start 90
1951-52 8/26/1951 AROL Cup Ajax - Blauw-Wit 2 - 0 (0 - 0) Start 90

Videos and Photos

Individual Photos
Ad van de Pol

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