Naci Ünüvar


Player Information
Name Naci Ünüvar
Born on
Nationality Netherlands
Role Soccer Player (Midfielder)
Club A.F.C. Ajax
Last Known Club Ajax
Family Emre Ünüvar
Often played with Kenneth Taylor - Youri Regeer - Perr Schuurs - Kik Pierie - Nicolás Tagliafico - Jay Gorter - Kian Fitz-Jim - Lisandro Magallán - Sean Klaiber - Devyne Rensch
Seasons matches and goals per competition
Season Comp. Comp. Play Off Dutch Cup Europa Other Off. Off. Mat. Friendly Total
Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals Mat Goals
2019-20 1 1 1 1 2 3 1
2020-21 2 2
2021-22 2 2 1 3
2022-23 5 5
Total 3 1 3 1 10 13 1


Previous Club Next Club Type Announced Start Duration End Amount Remark
Unknown Ajax Joins youth academy 7/1/2011
Ajax Ajax Signs first contract 5/23/2019 7/1/2019 3 6/30/2022
Ajax Ajax Contract renewal 7/26/2020 7/1/2020 3 6/30/2023
Ajax Ajax Contract renewal 7/6/2022 7/1/2022 4 6/30/2026
Ajax Trabzonspor Loan start 8/30/2022 8/30/2022 1 6/30/2023
Trabzonspor Ajax Loan end 5/10/2023
Ajax FC Twente Loan start 6/30/2023 7/1/2023 1 6/30/2024
FC Twente Ajax Loan end 7/1/2024



Season (Soccer Player)
Season Contract Type Team Contract From Contract To Loan Out From Loan Out To Remark
2011-12 No Contract Youth
2012-13 No Contract Youth
2013-14 No Contract Youth
2014-15 No Contract Youth
2015-16 No Contract Youth
2016-17 No Contract Youth
2017-18 No Contract Youth
2018-19 No Contract Youth
2019-20 Contract Youth A
2020-21 Contract Youth A
2021-22 Contract Young
2022-23 Contract Loan Out 8/30/2022 5/10/2023
2023-24 Contract Loan Out
2024-25 Contract A

Match details

Match Details per Period
Minute Goals Assists Yellow Red Substitute Out Substitute In
46-60 1
61-75 1 1 2
76-90 1
Totaal 1 1 1 3


Goal Type
Type Number
Goal 1
Goal Origin
Origin Number
from penalty 1

Videos and Photos

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